Think You Can’t Do BJJ? Think Again.
If you’ve ever secretly found yourself thinking about starting Brazilian jiu jitsu, but worry that you aren’t fit enough, fast enough, or anything enough, this post is for you. It was Dave Camarillo who said, “Train with everyone,” and that’s exactly what we do here at the Guerrilla school at Freestyle Martial Arts in Reno. We welcome new students of all ages and abilities, and the truth is, you don’t need anything to get started.
No experience necessary
Martial arts experience of any kind isn’t a prerequisite for starting BJJ at Guerrilla. We all start as a belt white, and that’s where you’ll begin too. Whether you’re five or fifty, male or female, this is a sport that welcomes everyone.
No gear necessary
Your first lesson is always on the house, and while a gi will be necessary down the line, we have a clean loaner for your very first class. It’s a good idea to show up a little early so you can sign a waiver and get changed, and we recommend visiting the school to meet your instructors and sit in on a class or two before you really dive in. But on the big day, wear something you can move in comfortably, and avoid anything overly baggy.
No base level of fitness necessary
The best way to get in shape for BJJ is to do it. And whether you’re a regular gym rat or just off the couch, you’re in for an exceptional fitness experience. This is the definition of functional training, and you’ll find BJJ to be a full-body workout that engages your core, legs, back and arms in each class. Plus, there’s the added bonus of learning self defense skills. No matter how fit you are (or aren’t), stick with BJJ and an improved physique will be a happy side effect.
All you need is…
Whatever worry you have that’s stopping you from rolling is probably all in your head. The truth is, all you need to start BJJ is the interest to do it and a way to get to class. Check out our getting started offer and come for a tour. You can meet our instructors, tour the school, sit in on a class if you like, and have all of your questions answered and concerns addressed.
Ready to try it out for a week FREE?
Fill out the form below, call us, or text us and we will handle the rest! We will give you all the info you need to have an incredible experience during your free trial week.It has never been easier to start, even if you have absolutely zero experience with martial arts. Trust us!