Make Starting BJJ Your New Year’s Resolution

If you’re like a lot of people, with a new year comes resolutions. Usually, these resolutions are vague and focus on desired outcomes – being happier, being fitter, losing weight, or the self-improvement catch-all – with no thought given to the planning or strategy needed to help you reach those outcomes.

Good news. Training BJJ in 2018 could be the ticket to making those unfocused goals a reality.

The most common new year’s resolutions

Can you guess? The three most common New Year’s resolutions are staying (or getting) healthy and fit, losing weight and living life to the fullest. Admirable, sure, but here’s the problem. No actionable plan for making these goals actually happen means no permanent impact. In order to see change, we must make change. Sustainable change comes from changes to our behavior and the development of new, improved habits that replace ones that aren’t moving us close to our goals. And that’s where starting BJJ comes in.

Enter BJJ

If your resolutions for the New Year relate in any way to improved fitness, a healthier lifestyle or improved well-being, training BJJ will get you there. And because you’ll be so focused on the training itself – getting to class, getting comfortable, failing, succeeding, learning – that those goals will be reached almost as happy side effects.

When weight loss is a goal, it’s easy enough to buy a treadmill. Putting in the work, on the other hand, takes discipline and motivation. Starting BJJ can help you with those elements in a way that a treadmill stuffed in the corner of the garage just cannot. People who start training BJJ are always surprised by the dramatic physical changes – things like improved stamina, weight loss, and improved physique. And for many of us, those changes motivate us to lead healthier lives as a way to sustain and support our healthier bodies.

And then there are the not-so-obvious benefits – things like more spatial awareness, quicker reflexes, more energy, more confidence. You’ll meet new people, discover an idea outlet for stress, and find a place and a time when nothing else matters except what’s happening right now, in this moment.

Here at Guerrilla BJJ in Reno, we welcome everyone to the mat. You need nothing to get started – no experience, no gi – just a desire to train. That’s it. Whatever your age, gender, or physical abilities, if you or your kids are interested in starting BJJ this year, come and see us. It could be the kick in the pants you need to make real, sustainable change in your life.


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