Can My Child Start BJJ?

There are lots of martial arts schools here in Reno offering a lot of different martial arts disciplines. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or BJJ, is gaining in popularity, especially for kids, and here at Guerrilla BJJ, we’re getting more and more parents asking, “can my child start BJJ?” And almost every time, the answer is, absolutely! Here’s why BJJ is a great sport for pretty much every kid.

Better coordination and balance

The foundation of a strong athlete includes coordination and balance, and these are great skills to have in general. And there are other physical benefits that come with a few BJJ classes every week, from improved flexibility to a greater awareness of their own bodies.

Run off all that energy

Have you heard that bit of parenting wisdom to run kids like you do dogs? It’s gold. And at Guerrilla BJJ in Reno, our classes are designed to channel all that youthful energy into something constructive. Our 45-minute classes are age appropriate, mixing games, drilling and live rolling for a class that keeps your child focused and engaged, both mentally and physically.

A dose of discipline and focus

Kids rise to expectations, and they quickly learn that mutual respect is how it works at Guerrilla. They also learn to listen and to follow instructions, to pay attention and work hard, to commit and keep trying through failure – something that makes the eventual success all the more satisfying. Even better, these are lessons that are incredibly valuable off the mat.

Lots of camaraderie

All of that rolling around together breeds familiarity, which is why training partners becoming friends. Our classes are structured to encourage communication between students and with instructors. Things like eye contact and being respectful are always modeled, and our students naturally pick up these traits.

So is bjj right for my kid?

Reno has no shortage or developmental activities out there for kids. But the benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu go beyond physical exercise.  We invite you to learn more about the benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for your child by visiting our school. First classes are free, and we pride ourselves on a safe, welcoming environment for boys and girls of all ages. Contact us today.


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